autoproof- Propositional logic library
Copyright(c) Artem Mavrin 2021
Safe HaskellSafe



Parser for propositional logic formulas


Safe parsing

parseFormula :: String -> Maybe (Formula String) Source #

(parseFormula s) parses a string s as a propositional formula, returning a Just a on success, where a is the parsed formula.

For a version of parseFormula that does not return a wrapped formula but also throws an error when it cannot parse, see unsafeParseFormula.


  • Supported connective symbols:

    • Negation: "~", "¬".
    • Implication: "->", "=>", "→", "⇾", "⇒" "⊃".
    • Disjunction: "|", "\/", "∨", "+"
    • Conjunction: "&", "/\", "∧", "^", "*"
    • Equivalence: "<->", "↔", "⇿", "⇔"
  • Implication is right-associative and has lower precedence than the other connectives.
  • Equivalence is left-associative and has higher precedence than implication but lower precedence than conjunction and disjunction.
  • Disjunction is left-associative and has higher precedence than equivalence but lower precedence than conjunction.
  • Conjunction is left-associative and has highest precedence out of the binary connectives.
  • Negation binds most tightly, and must immediately precede its argument (i.e., there should not be a space between a negation symbol and the proposition that follows).
  • Valid variable names begin with a letter (uppercase or lowercase) or an underscore, and may be followed by a letter, underscore, digit, or single quote (a "prime" symbol). The exceptions are the strings "false" and "true", which are parsed as the propositional literals \(\bot\) and \(\top\), respectively.


>>> parseFormula "a -> b -> c"
Just (Imp (Var "a") (Imp (Var "b") (Var "c")))
>>> parseFormula "~a | b -> c"
Just (Imp (Or (Not (Var "a")) (Var "b")) (Var "c"))
>>> parseFormula "(a -> b) & ~c"
Just (And (Imp (Var "a") (Var "b")) (Not (Var "c")))

parseJudgement :: String -> Maybe (Judgement String) Source #

(parseJudgement s) parses a string s as a propositional judgement.

A valid judgement is made up of an antecedent, a turnstile symbol, and a consequent (in that order). The antecedents are a (potentially empty) comma-separated list of formulas, the turnstile symbol is either "|-" or "⊢", and the consequent is another formula.

See parseFormula for the specification of valid formulas.


>>> parseJudgement "a, a -> b |- b"
Just ([Var "a",Imp (Var "a") (Var "b")] |- Var "b")
>>> parseJudgement "a |- a | b"
Just ([Var "a"] |- Or (Var "a") (Var "b"))

Unsafe parsing

unsafeParseFormula :: String -> Formula String Source #

(unsafeParseFormula s) parses a string s as a propositional formula, returning the parsed formula on success, and throwing an error on failure.

See parseFormula for grammar spcecifications.


>>> unsafeParseFormula "(a => b) => c"
Imp (Imp (Var "a") (Var "b")) (Var "c")

unsafeParseJudgement :: String -> Judgement String Source #

(unsafeParseJudgement s) parses a string s as a propositional judgement, returning the parsed judgement on success, and throwing an error on failure.

See parseJudgement for the specification of valid judgements.


>>> unsafeParseJudgement "a, b |- a -> b"
[Var "a",Var "b"] |- Imp (Var "a") (Var "b")
>>> unsafeParseJudgement "a & b |- a"
[And (Var "a") (Var "b")] |- Var "a"