autoproof- Propositional logic library
Copyright(c) Artem Mavrin 2021
Safe HaskellSafe



Classical propositional logic library.



data Formula a where Source #

Formulas of propositional logic are built inductively from atomic propositions

  • truth \(\top\),
  • falsity \(\bot\), and
  • propositional variables \(a, b, c, \ldots\)

using the unary connective

  • negation \(\lnot\)

and the binary connectives

  • implication \(\rightarrow\),
  • disjunction \(\lor\),
  • conjunction \(\land\), and
  • equivalence \(\leftrightarrow\).

Bundled Patterns

pattern Lit :: Bool -> Formula a

Propositional literal/constant. (Lit True) is \(\top\) (i.e., truth, tautology, or top), and (Lit False) is \(\bot\) (i.e., falsity, contradiction, or bottom).

pattern Var :: a -> Formula a

Propositional variable. (Var x) represents a propositional variable \(x\).

pattern Not :: Formula a -> Formula a

Negation. (Not p) represents the formula \(\lnot p\).

pattern Imp :: Formula a -> Formula a -> Formula a

Implication. (Imp p q) represents the formula \(p \rightarrow q\).

pattern Or :: Formula a -> Formula a -> Formula a

Disjunction. (Or p q) represents the formula \(p \lor q\).

pattern And :: Formula a -> Formula a -> Formula a

Conjunction. (And p q) represents the formula \(p \land q\).

pattern Iff :: Formula a -> Formula a -> Formula a

Equivalence. (Iff p q) represents the formula \(p \leftrightarrow q\).


Instances details
Eq a => Eq (Formula a) Source #

Syntactic equality.

Instance details

Defined in AutoProof.Internal.Formula.Types


(==) :: Formula a -> Formula a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Formula a -> Formula a -> Bool #

Ord a => Ord (Formula a) Source #

First compare heights, then compare sizes, then resolve using the convention Lit < Var < Not < Imp < Or < And < Iff (on equality, compare children from left to right).

Instance details

Defined in AutoProof.Internal.Formula.Types


compare :: Formula a -> Formula a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Formula a -> Formula a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Formula a -> Formula a -> Bool #

(>) :: Formula a -> Formula a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Formula a -> Formula a -> Bool #

max :: Formula a -> Formula a -> Formula a #

min :: Formula a -> Formula a -> Formula a #

Read a => Read (Formula a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in AutoProof.Internal.Formula.Types

Show a => Show (Formula a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in AutoProof.Internal.Formula.Types


showsPrec :: Int -> Formula a -> ShowS #

show :: Formula a -> String #

showList :: [Formula a] -> ShowS #

AST (Formula a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in AutoProof.Internal.Formula.Types

Associated Types

type Root (Formula a) Source #

PrettyPrintable a => PrettyPrintable (Formula a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in AutoProof.Internal.Formula.Types

type Root (Formula a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in AutoProof.Internal.Formula.Types

type Root (Formula a) = Maybe a

Operations on formulas

subformulas :: Ord a => Formula a -> Set (Formula a) Source #

Get the set of subformulas of a propositional formula.


>>> subformulas $ Or (Var 'x') (And (Var 'y') (Var 'z'))
fromList [Var 'x',Var 'y',Var 'z',And (Var 'y') (Var 'z'),Or (Var 'x') (And (Var 'y') (Var 'z'))]

substitute :: Eq a => Formula a -> a -> Formula a -> Formula a Source #

(substitute a x p) represents \(a[p/x]\), the substitution of each occurence of the variable \(x\) in the formula \(a\) by the formula \(p\).


>>> substitute (Imp (Var 'e') (Var 'e')) 'e' (And (Var 'a') (Var 'a'))
Imp (And (Var 'a') (Var 'a')) (And (Var 'a') (Var 'a'))

canonicalCNF :: Ord a => Formula a -> Formula a Source #

Convert a formula into a canonical conjunctive normal form.


>>> import AutoProof.Internal.Formula
>>> canonicalCNF $ Or (Not (Imp (Var "a") (Var "b"))) (Var "c")
And (Or (Var "c") (Not (Var "b"))) (Or (Var "c") (Var "a"))

getAnyVariable :: Formula a -> Maybe a Source #

Obtain a propositional variable from a formula, if there is one.


>>> getAnyVariable (Or (Var "a") (Var "b"))
Just "a"
>>> getAnyVariable (Lit False :: Formula String)


type Context a = Set (Formula a) Source #

A set of propositional formulas, used as antecedents of a judgement.

data Judgement a Source #

(Judgement c a) represents the judgement or sequent \(c \vdash a\).

>>> Judgement Set.empty (Imp (And (Var 'a') (Var 'b')) (Var 'a'))
[] |- Imp (And (Var 'a') (Var 'b')) (Var 'a')





Instances details
Eq a => Eq (Judgement a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in AutoProof.Internal.Judgement


(==) :: Judgement a -> Judgement a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Judgement a -> Judgement a -> Bool #

Ord a => Ord (Judgement a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in AutoProof.Internal.Judgement

(Ord a, Read a) => Read (Judgement a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in AutoProof.Internal.Judgement

Show a => Show (Judgement a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in AutoProof.Internal.Judgement

PrettyPrintable a => PrettyPrintable (Judgement a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in AutoProof.Internal.Judgement

Judgement constructor

(|-) :: (Ord a, Foldable f) => f (Formula a) -> Formula a -> Judgement a infix 5 Source #

Infix judgement constructor. (c |- a) represents the judgement \(c \vdash a\).

>>> [Var 'a', Imp (Var 'a') (Var 'b')] |- Var 'b'
[Var 'a',Imp (Var 'a') (Var 'b')] |- Var 'b'

Note: If c is already a Set, then it is recommended to use (Judgement c a) in favor of (c |- a), since the latter will create a new set and fill it with the values in c.

Operations on judgements

weakenJudgement :: Ord a => Judgement a -> Formula a -> Judgement a Source #

Weaken a judgement by inserting a formula into its hypotheses.

>>> weakenJudgement ([Var 'a', Imp (Var 'a') (Var 'b')] |- Var 'b') (Var 'c')
[Var 'a',Var 'c',Imp (Var 'a') (Var 'b')] |- Var 'b'


data Proof a where Source #

A proof tree for propositional logic.

Bundled Patterns

pattern Axiom :: Judgement a -> Proof a

An axiom (Axiom (g |- a)) represents the inference of the judgement \(g \vdash a\), where \(a \in g\):

\[ \frac{}{ g \vdash a } \, (\text{Axiom}) \]

pattern FalseElim :: Judgement a -> Proof a -> Proof a

Falsity elimination (principle of explosion). (FalseElim (g |- a) p) represents the inference of the judgement \(g \vdash a\) given a proof \(p\) of \(g \vdash \bot\):

\[ \frac{ \displaystyle\frac{ p }{ g \vdash \bot } }{ g \vdash a } \, ({\bot}\text{E}) \]

pattern TrueIntr :: Judgement a -> Proof a

Truth introduction. (TrueIntr (g |- Lit True)) represents the vacuous inference of the judgement \(g \vdash \top\):

\[ \frac{}{ g \vdash \top } \, (\top\text{I}) \]

pattern NotElim :: Judgement a -> Proof a -> Proof a -> Proof a

Negation elimination. (NotElim (g |- Lit False) p q) represents the inference of the judgement \(g \vdash \bot\) given a proof \(p\) of \(g_1 \vdash \lnot a\) and a proof \(q\) of \(g_2 \vdash a\), where \(g = g_1 \cup g_2\):

\[ \frac{ \displaystyle\frac{ p }{ g_1 \vdash \lnot a } \qquad \displaystyle\frac{ q }{ g_2 \vdash a } }{ g \vdash \bot } \, ({\lnot}\text{E}) \]

pattern NotIntr :: Judgement a -> Proof a -> Proof a

Negation introduction. (NotIntr (g |- (Not a)) p) represents the inference of the judgement \(g \vdash \lnot a\) given a proof \(p\) of \(g, a \vdash \bot\):

\[ \frac{ \displaystyle\frac{ p }{ g, a \vdash \bot } }{ g \vdash \lnot a } \, ({\lnot}\text{I}) \]

pattern ImpElim :: Judgement a -> Proof a -> Proof a -> Proof a

Implication elimination (modus ponens). (ImpElim (g |- b) p q) represents the inference of the judgement \(g \vdash b\) given a proof \(p\) of \(g_1 \vdash a \rightarrow b\) and a proof \(q\) of \(g_2 \vdash a\), where \(g = g_1 \cup g_2\):

\[ \frac{ \displaystyle\frac{ p }{ g_1 \vdash a \rightarrow b } \qquad \displaystyle\frac{ q }{ g_2 \vdash a } }{ g \vdash b } \, ({\rightarrow}\text{E}) \]

pattern ImpIntr :: Judgement a -> Proof a -> Proof a

Implication introduction. (ImpIntr (g |- (Imp a b) p) represents the inference of the judgement \(g \vdash a \rightarrow b\) given a proof \(p\) of \(g, a \vdash b\):

\[ \frac{ \displaystyle\frac{ p }{ g, a \vdash b } }{ g \vdash a \rightarrow b } \, ({\rightarrow}\text{I}) \]

pattern OrElim :: Judgement a -> Proof a -> Proof a -> Proof a -> Proof a

Disjunction elimination. (OrElim (g |- c) p q r) represents the inference of the judgement \(g \vdash c\) given proofs \(p\) of \(g_1 \vdash a \lor b\), \(q\) of \(g_2, a \vdash c\), and \(r\) of \(g_3, b \vdash c\), where \(g = g_1 \cup g_2 \cup g_3\):

\[ \frac{ \displaystyle\frac{ p }{ g_1 \vdash a \lor b } \qquad \displaystyle\frac{ q }{ g_2, a \vdash c } \qquad \displaystyle\frac{ r }{ g_3, b \vdash c } }{ g \vdash c } \, ({\lor}\text{E}) \]

pattern OrIntrL :: Judgement a -> Proof a -> Proof a

Left disjunction introduction. (OrIntrL (g |- (Or a b)) p) represents the inference of the judgement \(g \vdash a \lor b\) given a proof \(p\) of \(g \vdash a\):

\[ \frac{ \displaystyle\frac{ p }{ g \vdash a } }{ g \vdash a \lor b } \, ({\lor}\text{IL}) \]

pattern OrIntrR :: Judgement a -> Proof a -> Proof a

Right disjunction introduction. (OrIntrR (g |- (Or a b)) p) represents the inference of the judgement \(g \vdash a \lor b\) given a proof \(p\) of \(g \vdash b\):

\[ \frac{ \displaystyle\frac{ p }{ g \vdash b } }{ g \vdash a \lor b } \, ({\lor}\text{IR}) \]

pattern AndElimL :: Judgement a -> Proof a -> Proof a

Left conjunction elimination. (AndElimL (g |- a) p) represents the inference of the judgement \(g \vdash a\) given a proof \(p\) of \(g \vdash a \land b\):

\[ \frac{ \displaystyle\frac{ p }{ g \vdash a \land b } }{ g \vdash a } \, ({\land}\text{EL}) \]

pattern AndElimR :: Judgement a -> Proof a -> Proof a

Right conjunction elimination. (AndElimR (g |- b) p) represents the inference of the judgement \(g \vdash b\) given a proof \(p\) of \(g \vdash a \land b\):

\[ \frac{ \displaystyle\frac{ p }{ g \vdash a \land b } }{ g \vdash b } \, ({\land}\text{ER}) \]

pattern AndIntr :: Judgement a -> Proof a -> Proof a -> Proof a

Conjunction introduction. (AndIntr (g |- (And a b)) p) represents the inference of the judgement \(g \vdash a \land b\) given a proof \(p\) of \(g_1 \vdash a\) and a proof \(q\) of \(g_2 \vdash b\), where \(g = g_1 \cup g_2\):

\[ \frac{ \displaystyle\frac{ p }{ g_1 \vdash a } \qquad \displaystyle\frac{ q }{ g_2 \vdash b } }{ g \vdash a \land b } \, ({\land}\text{I}) \]

pattern IffElimL :: Judgement a -> Proof a -> Proof a

Left equivalence elimination. (IffElimL (g |- (Imp a b)) p) represents the inference of the judgement \(g \vdash a \rightarrow b\) given a proof \(p\) of \(g \vdash a \leftrightarrow b\):

\[ \frac{ \displaystyle\frac{ p }{ g \vdash a \leftrightarrow b } }{ g \vdash a \rightarrow b } \, ({\leftrightarrow}\text{EL}) \]

pattern IffElimR :: Judgement a -> Proof a -> Proof a

Right equivalence elimination. (IffElimR (g |- (Imp b a)) p) represents the inference of the judgement \(g \vdash b \rightarrow a\) given a proof \(p\) of \(g \vdash a \leftrightarrow b\):

\[ \frac{ \displaystyle\frac{ p }{ g \vdash a \leftrightarrow b } }{ g \vdash b \rightarrow a } \, ({\leftrightarrow}\text{ER}) \]

pattern IffIntr :: Judgement a -> Proof a -> Proof a -> Proof a

Equivalence introduction. (IffIntr (g |- (Iff a b)) p) represents the inference of the judgement \(g \vdash a \leftrightarrow b\) given a proof \(p\) of \(g_1 \vdash a \rightarrow b\) and a proof \(q\) of \(g_2 \vdash b \rightarrow a\), where \(g = g_1 \cup g_2\):

\[ \frac{ \displaystyle\frac{ p }{ g_1 \vdash a \rightarrow b } \qquad \displaystyle\frac{ q }{ g_2 \vdash b \rightarrow a } }{ g \vdash a \leftrightarrow b } \, ({\leftrightarrow}\text{I}) \]


Instances details
Eq a => Eq (Proof a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in AutoProof.Internal.Proof.Types


(==) :: Proof a -> Proof a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Proof a -> Proof a -> Bool #

Ord a => Ord (Proof a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in AutoProof.Internal.Proof.Types


compare :: Proof a -> Proof a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Proof a -> Proof a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Proof a -> Proof a -> Bool #

(>) :: Proof a -> Proof a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Proof a -> Proof a -> Bool #

max :: Proof a -> Proof a -> Proof a #

min :: Proof a -> Proof a -> Proof a #

(Ord a, Read a) => Read (Proof a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in AutoProof.Internal.Proof.Types

Show a => Show (Proof a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in AutoProof.Internal.Proof.Types


showsPrec :: Int -> Proof a -> ShowS #

show :: Proof a -> String #

showList :: [Proof a] -> ShowS #

AST (Proof a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in AutoProof.Internal.Proof.Types

Associated Types

type Root (Proof a) Source #

PrettyPrintable a => PrettyPrintable (Proof a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in AutoProof.Internal.Proof.Types

type Root (Proof a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in AutoProof.Internal.Proof.Types

type Root (Proof a) = Judgement a

Provability checking

isProvable :: Ord a => Judgement a -> Bool Source #

Determine whether a judgement is classically valid.


>>> isProvable $ [Not (Not (Var 'a'))] |- Var 'a'
>>> isProvable $ [Var 'a'] |- Var 'b'

isTautology :: Ord a => Formula a -> Bool Source #

Determine whether a formula is a classically tautology.


>>> isTautology $ Or (Var 'a') (Not (Var 'a'))
>>> isTautology $ Var 'a'


Truth assignments

class TruthAssignment t a where Source #

Class representing truth assignments for evalutating propositional logic formulas.

Minimal complete definition



evalVar :: t -> a -> Bool Source #

Evaluate the truth value of a variable under a given truth assignment.

evalFormula :: t -> Formula a -> Bool Source #

Evaluate the truth value of a formula under a given truth assignment.


Instances details
TruthAssignment () a Source #

Assigns all propositional variables the truth value False. Can be used to evaluate closed formulas.


>>> () |= (Var "a")
>>> () |= (Or (Lit True) (Lit False))
Instance details

Defined in AutoProof.Internal.Classical.SAT.TruthAssignment


evalVar :: () -> a -> Bool Source #

evalFormula :: () -> Formula a -> Bool Source #

Ord a => TruthAssignment (Map a Bool) a Source #

Truth assignments where a missing key in the map is interpreted as False.


>>> t = Map.fromList $ [("a", True), ("b", False)]
>>> t |= And (Var "a") (Not (Var "b"))
>>> t = Map.fromList $ [("a", True)]
>>> t |= Imp (Var "a") (Var "b")
Instance details

Defined in AutoProof.Internal.Classical.SAT.TruthAssignment


evalVar :: Map a Bool -> a -> Bool Source #

evalFormula :: Map a Bool -> Formula a -> Bool Source #

(|=) :: TruthAssignment t a => t -> Formula a -> Bool infix 5 Source #

Semantic entailment relation. This is an infix alias of evalFormula.


>>> t = Map.fromList $ [("a", True), ("b", False)]
>>> t |= And (Var "a") (Not (Var "b"))

Check satisfiability

satSimple :: Eq a => Formula a -> Bool Source #

A simple baseline satisfiability algorithm.

This algorithm is based on the observation that if \(a\) is a propositional formula and \(x\) is a propositional variable, then \(a\) is satisfiable if and only if either \(a[\top/x]\) is satisfiable or \(a[\bot/x]\) is satisfiable.


>>> satSimple $ Var "a"
>>> satSimple $ And (Var "a") (Not (Var "a"))

satDPLL :: Ord a => Formula a -> Bool Source #

DPLL satisfiability algorithm.


>>> import AutoProof.Internal.Formula
>>> satDPLL $ Var "a"
>>> satDPLL $ And (Var "a") (Not (Var "a"))

Satisfying assignment search

satAssignmentSimple :: Ord a => Formula a -> Maybe (Map a Bool) Source #

A simple baseline satisfiability algorithm, returning a satisfying truth assignment if there is one.

This algorithm is based on the observation that if \(a\) is a propositional formula and \(x\) is a propositional variable, then \(a\) is satisfiable if and only if either \(a[\top/x]\) is satisfiable or \(a[\bot/x]\) is satisfiable.


>>> a = And (Not (Var "a")) (Or (Var "b") (Var "c")) -- satisfiable
>>> Just t = satAssignmentSimple a
>>> t
fromList [("a",False),("b",True),("c",True)]
>>> t |= a
>>> satAssignmentSimple $ And (Var "a") (Not (Var "a")) -- unsatisfiable

satAssignmentDPLL :: Ord a => Formula a -> Maybe (Map a Bool) Source #

DPLL satisfiability algorithm, returning a satisfying truth assihnment, if there is one.


>>> a = And (Not (Var "a")) (Or (Var "b") (Var "c")) -- satisfiable
>>> Just t = satAssignmentDPLL a
>>> t
fromList [("a",False),("c",True)]
>>> t |= a

Note: The variable "b" is missing in the map above, which means that it's implictly assigned the value False.

>>> satAssignmentDPLL $ And (Var "a") (Not (Var "a")) -- unsatisfiable

Abstract syntax trees

class AST t where Source #

Abstract syntax tree class.

Minimal complete definition

root, children, metadata

Associated Types

type Root t Source #

The type of the values annotating AST nodes.


root :: t -> Root t Source #

The value at the AST's root node.

children :: t -> [t] Source #

The AST's child ASTs.

height :: t -> Int Source #

Number of edges on the longest path from the root of the AST to a leaf.

size :: t -> Int Source #

Number of nodes in the AST.


Instances details
AST (Formula a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in AutoProof.Internal.Formula.Types

Associated Types

type Root (Formula a) Source #

AST (Proof a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in AutoProof.Internal.Proof.Types

Associated Types

type Root (Proof a) Source #

subtrees :: (AST t, Ord t) => t -> Set t Source #

(subtrees t) is the set of all subtrees of an AST t (including t itself).

properSubtrees :: (AST t, Ord t) => t -> Set t Source #

(properSubtrees t) is the the set of all proper subtrees of an AST t (i.e., not including t itself).


parseFormula :: String -> Maybe (Formula String) Source #

(parseFormula s) parses a string s as a propositional formula, returning a Just a on success, where a is the parsed formula.

For a version of parseFormula that does not return a wrapped formula but also throws an error when it cannot parse, see unsafeParseFormula.


  • Supported connective symbols:

    • Negation: "~", "¬".
    • Implication: "->", "=>", "→", "⇾", "⇒" "⊃".
    • Disjunction: "|", "\/", "∨", "+"
    • Conjunction: "&", "/\", "∧", "^", "*"
    • Equivalence: "<->", "↔", "⇿", "⇔"
  • Implication is right-associative and has lower precedence than the other connectives.
  • Equivalence is left-associative and has higher precedence than implication but lower precedence than conjunction and disjunction.
  • Disjunction is left-associative and has higher precedence than equivalence but lower precedence than conjunction.
  • Conjunction is left-associative and has highest precedence out of the binary connectives.
  • Negation binds most tightly, and must immediately precede its argument (i.e., there should not be a space between a negation symbol and the proposition that follows).
  • Valid variable names begin with a letter (uppercase or lowercase) or an underscore, and may be followed by a letter, underscore, digit, or single quote (a "prime" symbol). The exceptions are the strings "false" and "true", which are parsed as the propositional literals \(\bot\) and \(\top\), respectively.


>>> parseFormula "a -> b -> c"
Just (Imp (Var "a") (Imp (Var "b") (Var "c")))
>>> parseFormula "~a | b -> c"
Just (Imp (Or (Not (Var "a")) (Var "b")) (Var "c"))
>>> parseFormula "(a -> b) & ~c"
Just (And (Imp (Var "a") (Var "b")) (Not (Var "c")))

parseJudgement :: String -> Maybe (Judgement String) Source #

(parseJudgement s) parses a string s as a propositional judgement.

A valid judgement is made up of an antecedent, a turnstile symbol, and a consequent (in that order). The antecedents are a (potentially empty) comma-separated list of formulas, the turnstile symbol is either "|-" or "⊢", and the consequent is another formula.

See parseFormula for the specification of valid formulas.


>>> parseJudgement "a, a -> b |- b"
Just ([Var "a",Imp (Var "a") (Var "b")] |- Var "b")
>>> parseJudgement "a |- a | b"
Just ([Var "a"] |- Or (Var "a") (Var "b"))


pretty :: PrettyPrintable a => a -> String Source #

Pretty-print a value.

prettyFormula :: PrettyPrintable a => Formula a -> String Source #

Get a pretty-printed representation of a propositional formula.


>>> prettyFormula $ Imp (Var "a") (Or (Var "b") (Lit False))
"a → (b ∨ ⊥)"

prettyJudgement :: PrettyPrintable a => Judgement a -> String Source #

Get a pretty-printed representation of a judgement.


>>> prettyJudgement $ [Var "a", Imp (Var "a") (Var "b")] |- Var "b"
"a, a → b ⊢ b"

prettyProof :: PrettyPrintable a => Proof a -> String Source #

Get a pretty-printed representation of a proof.